Choosing the bolts that are right for your job

I am often asked about bolts and bolt maintenance on billboard structures. The first thing I always say is to defer to your engineer. But there are some basic things to consider after your engineer gives you the size and strength requirements for the specific connection he is evaluating. The connection that most often comes in question is the “head” connection. That is where the torsion tube is connected to the column. Depending on the bolt and type of connection your engineer has specified your suppler will have some additional choices to make. These choices will make a difference in the quality and the cost of your job.
First a discussion about bolt grades. Over the years I have seen four grades show up on structures.
Grade 5
Grade 8
At All Steel Structures we do not use Grade 5 or Grade 8 bolts in your structural connections. Although when you look at the strength charts these bolts are similar to A325 & A490 respectively they are not interchangeable and therefore we believe they have no place on your signs.
Next when purchasing bolts we have a choice between types and coatings. Types refer to either Type 1 which is most common and is made from Medium carbon, carbon boron, or medium carbon alloy steel. The other is Type 3 which is made from weathering steel.
Coatings Options
For A325 bolts:
For A490 bolts:
Both A325 and A490 bolts can be painted after installation.
Give us a call to talk in more detail about what is the best fit for your project.
CertificationA welding certification is technically a procedure or a welder qualification test. Welding certifications are designed to ensure the welders skills are up to the code they will be working under. Welding certifications are also documented to prove that the welder is qualified under that code. Welding codes vary depending on the type of work being done. There are many organizations that have different procedures depending on the type of work they oversee. The largest organization in America that certifies welders is the American Welding Society. The welding certification procedures they have approved have been tested many times to ensure that if followed, the welder taking the welding certification understands the rules and has the skills that will pass the test. Welding certifications come in many positions, metal thickness, welding processes, and metal types. When the term “Certified Welder” is used it only means that welder is certified under the welding procedures they have tested under. There is not a single welding certification that covers all types of welding. For more information go to the or